Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sunday, January 13, 2008









1、  因为你们的事他全家人都反对,全家人都说如果要离婚,他只能净身出户,没办法,为了孩子,你只能理解了。但你应感到暗喜,你必竟夺去了他对我的十八年感情。

2、  婚后,如果他经常在你面前说起前妻,那很正常,因为先入为主嘛,在他心里,总有一些东西是放心不下的。
3、  他朋友很多,喜欢玩,喜欢外面的世界,你得有包容的心。不过,你可以节省饭钱,但,你得为他准备牌钱,替他维护男人的脸面。

4、  婚后,你得彻底与你同居了多年的男朋友断绝来往,男人尤其是了解你前史的男人都特别忌讳你和以前的男朋友藕断丝连。在与老公过夫妻生活时,你不能想到前任男朋友,不然,你的日子会暗无天日。

5、  你得精心规划你们的生活,合理的家庭理财,不然,他会成天在你面前唠叨,象个老太婆。

6、  他每天起床后,你得负责叠被子,不然,中午回家被子还乱七八糟的在床上。

7、  你得催他每天洗脸涮牙刮胡子,他这方面不太自觉,当然,你不计较就好。

8、  家里的饭一般是他煮,但他从不洗碗,你得负责洗碗,不过,你们可以买台洗碗机。

9、  家里的卫生他从不做,你得学会做,不然,你们自己的家只要你看得惯也行。

10、  你得有一手好厨艺,因为他的厨艺实在不怎么样。每次家里来客人了都是我下厨, 对于好客的他也经常把哥姐全家带到家里,你要得到他家里人认可,这点我想你不学也不行了。

11、  热天时,他每天换下的衣服你得洗,热天的衣服一般不用洗衣机,当然,你不洗,你也可以请他洗,不过,十多年了,我一直没培养出来,愿你能把他栽培出来。冬天的衣服有洗衣机。

12、  他喜欢在外交朋友,不管男朋友还是女朋友,如果不小心又交了女朋友,你得大度,男人不花心,公猪都会生!如果不花心,只是没机遇!到时就看你的本领了。

13、  他偶尔探望孩子,你得大度!而且,每月的抚养费你还得给他按时支付给我,不然,上了法庭,也丢你的面子!

14、  在每年照顾他母亲的三个月里,你得宽容他,因为他非常有孝心。你得有耐心,说话不能大声,做事要周全。

15、  他是家里老幺,父母宠爱坏了的孩子,你得受得气,因为,他经常为一些小事发皮气。

16、  他在家时电脑得归他,他不在家,你可以天马行空。

17、  你得经常把自己打扮得楚楚动人,不然,出门都不会带你。虽然他自己长得人模狗样的,但对女人的要求还很高。

18、  他工作不顺心时,你得安慰他,不然,他会做一些反常规的事来。

19、  吃饭时他必看新闻节日,不管此时的电视剧多精彩,你得顺着他。

20、  其他的事,我就不说了,你以后自己去领会吧。 我也累了!外面的空气令人向往!



Wednesday, July 18, 2007

佯稱沒錢回國賣手機 中國男子騙3人1200元






揭晓老千电话中奖的手段 (骗局) Part3

揭晓老千电话中奖的手段 (骗局) Part2

揭晓老千电话中奖的手段 (骗局) part1

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Pls warn your lady friends abt this

Hi Ladies especially,
BEWARE, just don't talk to strangers ESPECIALLY CHINA NATIONALS.

Beware and alert your friends, wife and family members.
Be Alert At All Times !

Another incident -

Hello, ladies, be careful This is scary.....

My female friend encountered this incident in Orchard before, that time she
was waiting for me at Orchard Tower. She was approached by an Chinese 30 -
40yrs old man. I saw the man talking to her while I am walking toward her. I
was puzzled when she suddenly walked off with the man .......and even
stunned when she walked pass me without looking at me...but I am standing in
front of her!! Thinking something amiss, I called her handphone instead.

She answered the phone and was shocked to saw herself not waiting at Orchard
Tower for me. The man must have saw his charm being broken, immediately
talked to her again..... This time I told my friend don't listen to what he
said and not to see his eyes.....RUN! She quickly ran off ...... She called
me again after 15mins..... and meet me at Takashimaya. She was shivering all
over when I met her. She told me she really don't know what was going
on..... I told her I heard of this kind of things before, thought it is
another internet poo poo..... but nvr expected to see it myself too......

Well....... that day, she took almost half a day to calm herself down.

And so coincidence, Caroline who is my ex-colleague has encountered that
man....... Something to share with u...during this festive season....don't
know if its true. But still u need to take extra care abt it.

My friend sent me the following email yesterday, am forwarding to all of u
for info so that u would not be caught in that situation. Take care.
To share what happened to me last evening, sorry to send to so many, but
sending this hoping that nothing unfortunate will happen to my friends.

While waiting for my husband at Tangs side entrance facing Lucky Plaza,
suddenly a Chinese man approached me, disregarding my personal space, stood
so close to me that I need to back off. Then he asked me where was a place,
which I didn't comprehend. After repeating 2 times or so, he said the place
was where they sell chicken rice, duck rice, making some innocent hand
gestures like counting, so I thought he meant food court, told him that he
could go down the flight of stairs next to Mac to basement. He appeared lost
and asked me again, then asked if it was on left hand side or right
handside. I was little irritated as we were facing the stairs,such a big
stairway and u are asking me right or left!
t hand side? Luckily my husband arrived and a taxi behind him sounded the
horn as my hubby waited for me. So I pointed again to the stairway and asked
him to go down.

This morning suddenly awaken with uneasy feeling. Realized that he might be
a hypnotiser. As I remembered that he was loitering near me for some time,
but I just took it that he was another passerby at that moment, he spoke in
a deliberate and slower manner, his hand gestures when mentioning chicken
& duck rice, his deliberate attempt in asking me if left or right. These
people try to get us to conjure up images in our mind, that's how they
hypnotise us.
Why I thought was a hypnotiser was because my KL friend shared with me 3
mths back that it happened very frequently in KL, her friend was a victim
when she woke up naked, not remembering what happened. She herself almost
fallen prey.

Her story was that she was at busy shopping center exit, saw flustered
overseas Chinese man speaking very loudly on HP, then the man approached her
for help, told her that his girlfriend from overseas came to look for him
but was lost, so wanted to borrow money from my friend, amount was quite a
lot which my friend didn't have. After talking for a while, he even managed
to ask her to follow him. Fortunately her HP rang, she said she suddenly
became more aware of

what was happening, before that, she just wanted to follow him to help him.
Immediately she told the man she didn't have money and left.

So beware of all foreign Chinese man ( I really cant decipher his accent,
definitely not S'porean, very! decently dressed, normal guy on the street,
maybe late 30s, carrying a rather big shoulder sling bag.
please alert your galfriends, sisters, mothers etc.

Have a nice day!